Who do you need to hang around with more?
We have a new baby Tortoise.. her name is Roxy and we love her so much. You can learn a lot from a tortoise’s habits. Being around her we learn the art of silence- something we don’t have much of in our house😂
We learn about peacefulness which helps us with our mindfulness and meditating practice..and of course persistence – one step at a time but progress is always progress yay.🤩👊🚀
We can learn from everything that is living around us. What are the lessons that you have learnt from some of your animals/ pets? And are they helping you with practices that you want to take on in life? As a PT and coach for health, wellbeing, weight loss, body confidence and lifestyle happiness I am always looking at new ways to improve all my habits. I am like a tigger -Winnie the Pooh character- but sometimes from all my excitement and drive I wear myself out. So being around Roxy is really relaxing and helps me with my mindfulness. So make sure that you are around more of the people and animals that help you take on more of the habits that you want to cultivate. If you need to improve your health, wellbeing and body confidence then hang around me. But if you need more help with mindfulness and relaxation – be around Roxy😂! 🐢 have a fab day❤️🤩
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