What would you tell your younger self?
Just had a picture of me on my 21st birthday sent over to me by my sister.
Wow so funny…
It made me think- What would you tell your younger self?
I would say the following…
– Be healthy and look after your body and mind well.💙
– Be kind but not weak💚
– Be confident in your decisions and look after yourself – don’t worry about what others think of you.💘
– If it won’t matter in 5 years time, don’t spend more than 5 minutes worrying about it now.💖
– Don’t take criticism from someone you would never go to for advice. Actually don’t take criticism full stop. You are awesome and just doing the best you can on this journey called life…💛
-Face your demons – don’t bury them hoping they will go away or they will always be able to come back and haunt you 🧡
– Open your heart and love, love, love. It’s always better to love than not. ( I’m super grateful as I’m surrounded by such amazing people in my life that I love so much.)💕
– Focus on the good and focus on making your dreams and goals happen happily.💜
-Focus on having a super fab mindset with belief and the attitude that you can create the life of your dreams 👊
– One day you will be a mother of a gorgeous girlie. You will love her more than you ever thought possible❤️ And you will be happily in love with your partner too.😍
Yes super grateful. Thank you ❤️
What would you tell your younger 21 year old self?❤️
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