Thank you
Today I have an overwhelming urge just to say thank you.
Thank you…
So often, so many of us take to many things for granted ( well sadly I certainly have).
Over the years I have gone through stages of my life where I have felt deep gratitude and wonder and amazement for all the amazing things around me. My most grateful times have often been when I’ve had the time to sit down and reflect and study the beautiful nature, experiences or people around me.
However, other times in my life I have forgotten the small blessings and beautiful moments that I’ve had. And I think when any of us go through more challenging times we possibly forget to focus on the fabulous moments of life.
As part of my morning routine every day I like to sit down and reflect for a few moments about all the wonderful people in my life and sending out love to you and giving thanks for you. 🙏❤️
I do feel like one of my life lessons is that I need to work on being more thankful for all the fabulous people, experiences and things in my life.
Since the weekend having been on Tony Robbins UPW virtual experience I have started following his ‘priming’routine in the morning. This is truly amazing as you focus more deeply on moments that you are truly grateful for whilst also focusing simultaneously on the power of breath. I really love this new way that I am practicing gratitude and for that I am truly thankful too🙏
Anyway One of my new habits and goals is to now truly focus every day on the power of gratitude.
Being thankful for all the wonderful people, magical moments and beauty in your life can change how you feel in a heartbeat. And Who doesn’t want to feel thankful and blessed and happier every day?
So my question to you is for you to feel your best in your mindset and health and well-being on a daily basis do you need to step up your gratitude and be more thankful for all those magical moments, the wonders of nature and the fabulous people in your life?
Thank you for reading this and thank you for being a part of my life. From the bottom of my heart I’m feeling deeply grateful and blessed to have such wonderful people in my life and such a magical moments. Thank you. ❤️
Have a super fabulous Tuesday.