
Call me on 07876 198671
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Referral scheme

If have been following me, or you are a client of mine, you’ll know that I’m absolutely passionate about helping ladies to feel and look fab. Nothing excites me more than coaching and training my clients to help them to lose weight, be slim, fit, happy, healthy, strong, energised, and confident in themselves.

I love helping my clients become physically, mentally, and emotionally fit and live a life that’s full of healthier, happier habits. I’m passionate about helping others to feel fabulous in themselves because there’s nothing worse than feeling unhealthy, out of shape and hiding away from the rest of the world.

For this reason, I’m launched my REFER A FRIEND SCHEME so that you can help your friends to feel happier and more confident whilst also helping yourself feel more fab.

So, do you have any friends that you know will benefit from working with me? I would love to help them as this is what I’m fab at! Yay!

Here’s the cool part… Refer me to one of your friends so that they can start to feel amazing and fabulous and once they start to work with me via one of my 121 Feel Great, Lose Weight packages or my Mindset packages, I will then give you a GIFT as a way of thanking you for your referral.


☑ Existing clients will get a FREE 45 mins coaching/training session.

☑ New clients, who’ve never worked with me before, will receive a FREE 45mins coaching/training session with me when you sign up for my 121 coaching or weight loss packages.

All you have to do to take advantage of this amazing offer is refer me to any of your friends that might benefit from my 121 packages. Please direct them to my Feel Great, Lose Weight packages or Mindset Packages so that they can see how I can help them.

When one of your friends signs up with me on one of my weight loss or mindset coaching packages then I will then give you your FREE GIFT. Yay!

My clients achieve such fabulous results. All my packages can be carried out online or face to face and they are all tailored to my clients wants and needs.

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