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Top tip
26th August 2020
Morning gorgeous how are you? Here is my top tip for today. Focus on winning and improving yourself and don’t focus on what others are doing. Don’t compare yourself to others, there is no sense in this as it’s either going to make you feel crap If you deem that person better than you or continue reading
Daily habits
24th August 2020
Morning gorgeous how are you? Ok so here’s my thought of the day and something I’m working on massively to Enable me to reach my goals personally and professionally … and that is this…. You must take Daily consistent action. Daily action is key to your results. Daily action will get you to where you continue reading
Have a sat nav in life
16th August 2020
Morning gorgeous, how are you? Ok something for us to all think about now….. You wouldn’t get in your car, turn on your ignition, start driving and decide where to go. So please don’t do this in your life too.. Identity your ultimate goals and work towards them. You can do it. 👊❤️ Ps what continue reading
Mindset, belief and attitude
13th August 2020
Morning gorgeous, how are you? Did you know -Your entire life can really change in six months … you need to love yourself enough to know you deserve more, be brave enough to demand more, and be disciplined enough to work for more… And all this is achievable by working on your mindset, beliefs and continue reading
It is possible
Remember there is always somebody who had a lot less than you currently have today and went on to achieve a lot more than you have today. 👊❤️ Forget fears, doubts and excuses. Whatever it is, It’s possible ❤️ You can do it ❤️ Have a fab day gorgeous xxx
Survive or thrive?
12th August 2020
Morning gorgeous how are you? I was listening to my fav coach ever the other day -Tony Robbins on his awesome podcast and he was talking about business and whether you are just surviving or thriving in this tough Covid 19 world… and those two words really resonated with me. I think first I liked continue reading
Do you shy away from photos being taken of you?
11th August 2020
Morning gorgeous how are you? This is a long story but it’s meaningful so please read it. Do you shy away from photos with your children? Or photos with friends or your partner or family because you don’t feel happy or confident with the way your body looks and feels? I have worked with many continue reading
Don’t be stuck like a scarecrow
10th August 2020
Morning gorgeous, How are you? Just a little reminder for you on this wonderful Wednesday to remember to start working towards your goals and dreams on a daily basis, even if it’s baby steps. This is an absolute must if you want to live and lead a happier, healthier, wealthier and more fulfilled life.👊❤️ Yay. continue reading
Daily habits
1st August 2020
Your daily habits determine your results👊❤️💪. There are “no quick wins” And No “overnight success” You must work daily on your mindset, attitude and beliefs and every day work towards your dreams and goals.🤩 What daily habits do you currently have? And are you happy with the results that are showing up in your life? continue reading
Improve you life
11th July 2020
Your life will improve when you improve. Become more invested in yourself: mentally, physically, and spiritually. Make it a priority to better yourself each and every day by building positive habits. The better you become, the better your life will feel. Have a fab day 👊❤️
Back to Face to face sessions
8th June 2020
Morning my lovely ones, How are you? I am very excited to tell you that I am opening the doors of my new gym on Monday 15th June.🎉🏃♀🥳🥊🏋🏻♂💃🏻 Woo hoo. It’s super exciting to know that I can train you again in my new lovely, spacious, clean environment whilst maintaining social distancing and sticking to continue reading
Believe in yourself
1st June 2020
Is it time to work on believing in yourself more? The answer is definitely yes. Why? Well we all need to work on our self belief in different areas of our life So that we can grow and develop and flourish. So which areas of your life or which goals have you set that you continue reading