Latest Blog/News
Health and wellbeing
24th February 2019
Having looked at improving health and wellbeing over the last two days by increasing your water consumption and Improving your diet to a cleaner And leaner diet with plenty of raw fruits and vegetables, today let’s look at improving your health and wellbeing – by moving more. Exercising is something I am super passionate about continue reading
Consistent practice
20th February 2019
Everything you now find easy you first found hard. With consistent practice it will become your new normal. And automatic.
Thought of the day – Do more of it.
19th February 2019
What makes your heart sing? Do more of it. What makes you feel amazing? Do more of it. What makes you feel energised? Do more of it. What makes you feel lighter? Do more of it. What makes you fitter? Do more of it. What makes you laugh? Do more of it. What makes you continue reading
Life is a funny thing
18th February 2019
We get so wrapped up in the day-to-day that we forget to take care of ourselves most of the time. We pack on so many responsibilities that it’s easy to lose track of what’s important. Simple things can bring us back to our centers, revive our motivation and inspiration, and set us up for our continue reading
Do you feel fab most days? I mean Emotionally, physically and Mentally?
16th February 2019
The way you start your day will massively affect how you feel throughout the day and how your day will pan out. I always say – set your day up fabulously well and the rest of the day will hopefully follow! So what do you do to start your day? And is this serving you continue reading
Focus your mind
11th February 2019
So let’s start the week with some questions to focus your mind. What do you want to make happen this week? What do you need to do to make this happen? What do you need to do more of? What do you need to do less of? Do you need to ask anyone for help? continue reading
Being 40
9th February 2019
What a glorious sunny day it is.. a bit windy but beautifully fresh. As I was outside power walking around the Aquadrome this morning, I started reflecting. ToMorrow I will be 40: an age that I was dreading, because I don’t like the idea of getting older! Ha ha. But then I started to think continue reading
How do you start your day?
8th February 2019
My super mighty, green juice sets my day up fabulously giving me a plethora of vitamins and minerals to give me super duper energy and vitality. My Juicing workshops for fabulous health and wellbeing will be starting in March and the details of my first one will be given early next week. Watch this space continue reading
Daily mantra
7th February 2019
What’s your daily mantra to keep you strong, inspired, on track and feeling amazing? And if you haven’t got one… what do you need to start saying to yourself on a daily basis to help you stay inspired and strong and focused? I have a few that I alternate but my fav 4 are I continue reading
My book mark makes my thought of the day
5th February 2019
Just looking at my book mark that I created 10 years ago!!! Wow 10 Years ago…. I Still love it and all my bullet points on there still resonate and inspire me. I wrote this when all was wonderful in my world… since then I have had a few challenges, like currently going through a continue reading
It’s Monday and that can mean only one thing.. a new week and time to make yourself feel great.
4th February 2019
What do you need to do this week to feel great, look great and be happier and healthier? Do you need to start exercising more? And if so what type of exercise do you need to do? And What about your diet? Do you need to clean it up? And are you having a plethora continue reading
Health and Wellbeing
1st February 2019
Have outstanding health and well-being now… Your health is your wealth. What are you doing to improve your health? Start making positive steps to become fitter, healthier, happier, slimmer and full of energy. What steps will you take? Now start…