Latest Blog/News
16th April 2019
Great questions to ask yourself to get yourself into a wonderful frame of mind -the better you feel, the faster you heal and grow and create the life and body that you want. 1. What am I most happy about in my life right now? 2. What am I committed to in my life right continue reading
A Simply philosophy
15th April 2019
Be grateful Do things for others Look after your body Take time out for you Learn new things Interact with positive people Have goals to give direction Find things to make you laugh Share smiles Be happy
You Can
13th April 2019
Never give up on your dreams, you CAN make things happen, it’s a matter of taking action, getting help or advice from others who have done what you want to do and strive forward. Yes, things will or can go wrong, but pick yourself up, take the lessons and move on. Onwards and upwards. But continue reading
Have a good foundation
10th April 2019
If you build a building with poor foundations then how can it still stand a 100 years on? Same with our bodies. If we feed our bodies with poor nutrition then we won’t be around to live a long healthy life and we will crumble. I know I have shared that analogy before.. but repetition continue reading
Live life to the full
6th April 2019
Yesterday I found out that a lovely man that I knew in my past career, in the world of editorial, has passed away from cancer. I was so shocked and feel so sad about this. He was only a few years older than me – ( so super young!!!) but no seriously so young but continue reading
5th April 2019
Don’t set yourself a radical goal to lose half your body weight in an unrealistic time frame – this may be unwise, unhealthy and unrealistic. Instead set yourself a more realistic goal of losing a pound or two every week or fortnight, something that is more realistic. Be realistic with your goals… Set yourself smaller, continue reading
4th April 2019
We are what we are today because of the choices we made yesterday. If you want to feel differently in the future then you might need to re-evaluate your choices going forwards. Choose….. Exercise. Meditation. Journalling your thoughts. Healthy raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, lean proteins and good grains like quinoa, oats, couscous and continue reading
Thought of the day
2nd April 2019
What are your 3 top accomplishments to date? And what do you want your next 3 top accomplishments to be? And what do you need to start doing to make those top 3 accomplishments happen? And what do you need to stop doing to make those top 3 accomplishments happen? Ok well it’s day two continue reading
25th March 2019
Just looking up at this amazing chandelier, when it’s dark it looks amazing. But it also reminds me of how clever people are that we can build and create such objects of beauty. And not only that but it reminds me of juggling balls in life… each round light is like a ball and we continue reading
Tip top Tuesday
23rd March 2019
Successful people do ‘the thing’ they don’t necessarily want to do in order to get the result they want. ” Is there something that you don’t want to do necessarily, but need to do to Get the results that you want and deserve? Stop hesitating and procrastinating and make it happen… Have a tip top continue reading
Juice lollies
22nd March 2019
A fabulous way to get raw fruits and vegetables into our children is to juice them and then make the fresh juice into ice lollies. Most kids love an ice lolly!! Holly absolutely loves this.. we made pear, apple and lemon ice lollies. Perfect for adults or kids. Maybe add some vegetables in the adult continue reading
Simple lifestyle changes
19th March 2019
What simple lifestyle changes can you make that will make a massive and positive impact on your life and health and wellbeing now? Do you need to start being more physically active? Do you need to start working out with weights? Do you need to sleep more? Do you need to meditate for 10 mins continue reading