Latest Blog/News
27th May 2019
Do you stop Much and reflect on your life to check that you are happy and going in the right direction? We all live such busy lives that we often forget to sit down and count our blessings. We are all rushing from here to there that we often forget to think about what really continue reading
Goal set but also enjoy the process and create the good feelings daily.
22nd May 2019
So here’s the ultimate question… What do you want out of your life? When I ask people this, most of them respond with answers such as more money, a bigger house, a better car, a new watch ( things goals) or others say to be happy or to have a better body or a better continue reading
Don’t get sick
If you do not make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness. Make your health and wellbeing a priority now, before it is too late.
Visualise and tell yourself you can do it
Often before we embark on a new regime or habit, we will have a line of thought of if we can really do it. And the answer is yes you can, stop having wavering thoughts and see yourself doing it .❤️ Focus and picture yourself in your mind with your new healthy habits and how continue reading
Staggering results
21st May 2019
Every day give yourself small targets to improve your emotional, physical and mental wellbeing. They only have to be small daily improvements. But believe me small daily improvements over time will equal staggering results… and we all want staggering results in the end! Go for it..
Change your beliefs and mindset
20th May 2019
Do you need to Change your beliefs and mindset to get the results that you want? If you are not getting the results that you want and need then change your internal voice and vision now. To Create the external world you want, you need to change your internal world first. Coaching will continue reading
Thought of the day
17th May 2019
What one small change can you make towards your health goals? Make sure whatever change you are going to make, you do it consistently. Do it daily…
Important beliefs
16th May 2019
Some Important Beliefs: Believe in yourself Believe in the power of beliefs Believe in your imagination and the power of creativity Believe in making a difference Believe in being happy and having fun Believe in being grateful and helping others Believe there is no such thing as failure, only feedback and outcomes Believe you can continue reading
Look younger
Want to look and feel younger? For younger looking skin and feeling great ensure you up your anti-oxidant rich foods. Try a super green smoothie or a wonderful green juice for breakfast. Have a fab leafy and bright crisp salad for lunch ( that’s not crisps by the way! Ha ha) Lots of fab Berries continue reading
Cut the crap!
14th May 2019
I wouldn’t normally swear but I think sometimes it gets the point across better! So my apologies In advance! 1. Cut the crap/junk food. If you keep eating crap you will feel and look like this too. It depletes your body and mind of energy, vitality and heath. The junk food ( white refined sugars, continue reading
Questions to ask yourself to get results
13th May 2019
Ask a better question to get the results that you want…. If you want to get fitter, lose weight or become healthier then you need to ask yourself questions like.. How can I become fitter and lose weight and be healthier and enjoy the process? What can I change in my daily regime to help continue reading
Super greens
12th May 2019
Super fab Green juice to start my day… so what is in my concoction I hear you ask?!!!😋 courgette, cucumber, celery, kale, spinach, apple pear, lemon and ginger. 9 wonderful fruits and vegetables to ensure I have a plethora of vitamins and minerals to improve my health and energy. Raw fruits and vegetables are essential continue reading