Latest Blog/News
11th October 2019
It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort. And when you bring that effort every single day, that is where transformation happens. That is how change occurs.
Ask yourself these questions
10th October 2019
Describe where you are now. What are the rituals keeping you in that place ? What do you want? What’s your vision? What are the rituals that will get you there? Then start taking the necessary action to get you to where you want to be. You can do it. You only have one life continue reading
Praise yourself
9th October 2019
We are wired to like what is familiar and resist what is unfamiliar. But the very good news is that you can make anything familiar. And the most important thing to make familiar is praising yourself.❤️ This is your daily reminder that you’re awesome and you can choose to have today be a great day.
Better feelings
24th September 2019
Any goal that you set when you break it down to its rawest form is about getting a better feeling. So what are the feelings you want more of? And what goals do you need to set and achieve to get more of these good feelings? Go for it👊
Be the person you want to be
The person in life that you will always be with the most, is yourself. Because even when you are with others, you are still with yourself, too! When you wake up in the morning, you are with yourself, laying in bed at night you are with yourself, walking down the street in the sunlight you continue reading
20th September 2019
You can decide all day long what you want out of life but if you do not change your daily habits to match what you want then you will never get what you want- it is those daily habits that make you a success or a failure. Live intentionally and plans for your future and continue reading
self talk
19th September 2019
Be positively inspired and uplifted by your own self- talk… talk to yourself fabulously and you will feel fabulous. Talk to yourself like you talk to your loved ones- full of praise, love and encouragement and then you will see your self worth and your life improve. 💕
Make time for being well
10th September 2019
If you do not make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness.
Take ownership
6th September 2019
Taking ownership of your life is one of the most liberating things that you can do you for yourself. We can place so much power in other people’s hands that we dont realise we have the power within ourselves to make things happen. Grab the wheel and steer your life in the direction that you continue reading
Take action
5th September 2019
Get informed Get outraged Get inspired Take action Make it happen now.
3rd September 2019
The power of thoughts is immense. Change your thoughts and you will change your life.
Healthy habits?
24th August 2019
Are your habits as healthy as they could be? Are you maintaining the best daily activites to live your best life? Are you living and loving your best life? If not then it’s time to start working on this now. It’s 16 years since I became a qualified Personal Trainer and started Personal Training and continue reading