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Say yes to a positive and happy lifestyle
9th November 2019
Everything you want literally starts with YOU. You decide you declare, you intend what you want. You can love yourself & be your biggest supporter, motivator, believer or you can curse yourself for every mistake & be your own critic because that’s what the society has taught you. I say be your biggest supporter. Love continue reading
7th November 2019
Did you learn walking in one day? Did you learn to ride a bicycle in your first attempt? Then why are you so quick to quit on your dream? Try, try and try again until you succeed!
Self talk for self care
6th November 2019
Self talk for self care. Like everyone else, you have self-talk. Sometimes it builds you up and sometimes it tears you down, but all of your self-talk ultimately focuses on what’s most important to you. Internally, you are constantly discussing with yourself what’s really most important: what you really would love to create in your continue reading
5th November 2019
10 steps to success
3rd November 2019
Try Try again Try once more Try it a little differently Try it again tomorrow Try and ask for help Try to find someone who’s done it Try to determine what is not working Try to determine what is working Just keep trying.
Make it happen
2nd November 2019
Don’t just hope that things will turn out ok!! See what hoping does for most people, most people don’t have what they want as they just keep hoping that things will change. It doesn’t work like that…Stop hoping for it! And Create the life of your dreams.. You can do it. Make it happen.
Be the best you
1st November 2019
Someone will always be prettier. Someone will always be smarter. Someone will always be younger. Someone will always be fitter. But they will never be you. Just be you… And love you. And be kind to you. Work daily on being stronger, fitter, happier and healthier and be the best version of you. Don’t compare continue reading
Daily habits
18th October 2019
It’s the small daily habits that will change your life…. Make sure, daily, you speak to yourself kindly and be your biggest fan. Read positive and inspiring books and or listen to uplifting and informative podcasts to develop and enrich your mind and soul. Move and Exercise daily to ensure that your body feels and continue reading
Questions to ask yourself daily
17th October 2019
Some great questions to start your day and make you feel fabulous….🥰 Make sure you answer them all…. also I recommend every day you start off your day with positive questions to put yourself in a positive state of mind and set your day up well…. Who do I love and who loves me? What continue reading
Be you!
13th October 2019
Be the person you want to be… The person in life that you will always be with the most, is yourself. Because even when you are with others, you are still with yourself, too! When you wake up in the morning, you are with yourself, laying in bed at night you are with yourself, continue reading
12th October 2019
Any goal that you set when you break it down to its rawest form is about getting a better feeling. So what are the feelings you want more of? And what goals do you need to set and achieve to get more of these good feelings? Go for it👊
11th October 2019
Do what makes you happy and what makes you healthy. Change any part of your life that doesn’t make you happy or serve you or your health…