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Where are you going?
22nd April 2020
What’s your beautiful destination? And what roads do you need to go down for a while to get there? You can do this You have got this Make it happen and get to your beautiful destination.❤️
Always focus on the good
7th April 2020
When things around you are challenging always, always, always focus on the good -as much as you can..❤️ Like the sunshine today. Yay….🌞 No matter what life throws at us we must aim to focus on the good… Focusing on the positive will not only help you feel better but will also help boost your continue reading
Stay safe at home but whilst you’re at home make sure you work on your health and fitness and boosting your immune system.❤️ Work on your physical, mental and emotional well-being daily.😍
Make magic happen
6th April 2020
Pls scroll down and see my thought of the day. It seems like a crazy statement to share when we are in lock down and with all the madness of the pandemic… but it’s actually a time when we can make magic happen. How and why? Well this is the time that a lot of continue reading
It’s going to be ok
5th April 2020
Wouldn’t it be nice if someone told us “it’s all going to be ok”. Don’t worry. It’s going to work out. This too will pass. It won’t be like this forever. Every little thing is going be alright. You’re going to be fine. Life will be good continue reading
Boosting immunity
20th March 2020
Promoting healthy homemade juices to boost your immunity… Always gorgeous to watch Holly…. the juice we made was medium in her mind! But just to clarify she has actually just drunk it all. Woo hoo. So definitely recommend homemade juices to get the extra fruit and vegetables into our kiddies- boost immunity at this time. continue reading
Juicing for keeping your immune system high…
18th March 2020
Top tip I forgot to mention – make lots of batches up and freeze it! Over the forthcoming days and weeks with more difficulties managing to get fresh fruit and veggies I recommend that once you have your fresh fruit and veggies you juice up and freeze some of your liquid gold. Then take it continue reading
You can stay strong
Morning my lovelies, How are you? Just a message ( once again) to say it’s time to really work on your wellbeing. Mentally and physically work on yourself at this challenging time to improve your immune system and emotional wellbeing. This means upping your fluids massively, juicing and eating healthily for an abundance of minerals, continue reading
Ginger shots
ANTIBACTERIAL ✅ ANTIHISTAMINE ✅ ANTI FUNGAL ✅ ANT INFLAMMATORY ✅ ANTIBIOTIC ✅ What are we talking about? ……..GINGER OF COURSE! In these uncertain times, the importance of making sure we’re doing everything we can to flood our bodies with good nutrition and boost our immune systems, has never been more prominent. But continue reading
Keeping your immune system high
16th March 2020
It is so important that at this time, that we all keep our immune systems up high to be able to fight the Coronavirus. This video has 5 top tips on how to keep you healthier, fitter and stronger both physically and emotionally. These top tips include.. 1. Drink 2-3 litres of water minimum a continue reading
15th March 2020
Take care of your body it’s the only place you have to live…❤️ This means you really must be careful with what what you put into your body and mind, especially at this time… I know I messaged you about this yesterday but repetition is the mother skill. Repetition is key at the moment… So continue reading
14th March 2020
My top tips for staying healthy and best practices.. I know the message is long but please read all of this….❤️ Good morning my lovely ones.. I have been holding off on messages on the Coronavirus but it’s something we are sadly all having to live through on a daily basis.. People are of course continue reading