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Think new thoughts
30th May 2020
The truth is that, you can rise up from anything. You can completely recreate yourself. 🤩 Nothing is permanent. You are not stuck. You have choices. You can think new thoughts. Got for it👊❤️
Raise your standard
28th May 2020
Raise your standards… Raise your standard in all areas of your life so that you grow and improve and therefore feel happier, lighter, brighter and alive. Raise your standards in your health and your fitness and body shape so that you are full of energy, feel alive, happy and proud of your own accomplishments. Have continue reading
27th May 2020
Do You Have The Belief System Of An Elephant? An elephant is held back not by a puny rope but by its belief system. Are you too? This is a rather well known story worth retelling. In Thailand, they have a simple way to keep an elephant docile and under control. When the elephant is continue reading
Shine from the inside out
26th May 2020
She finally understood that Exercising, eating healthily, juicing, setting positive and awe inspiring goals and having some time for herself made her look so much more radiant and beautiful. ❤️ She began to shine from the inside out.💕 Have a fab Thursday ❤️❤️❤️
Invest in your health and wellbeing
8th May 2020
Invest in your health and wellbeing daily. Look after yourself daily. Make sure you invest in your health body and mind over material items which aren’t necessarily necessary.. This means buy good quality food where possible and stay clear from the junk food which is of course a lot cheaper but has no beneficial goodness continue reading
Feed yourself in every way well
7th May 2020
Our life is a direct result of what we feed ourselves.. If you feed your body and mind with junk you will feel terrible. Feed you body mainly with healthy, live, raw fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, homemade juices and lean proteins and wholesome grains to feel and look fabulous. Keep away from the processed continue reading
Reduce your sugar
6th May 2020
Sugar causes inflammation in our bodies and also causes us to put on weight. Both factors massively affect our immunity. Keeping immunity at an all time high at the moment is massively important so we are able to fight viruses more easily. Reduce your white sugar content so that means cut baked goods, confectionary, white continue reading
Choose happy thoughts
1st May 2020
Choose happy thoughts. Choose happy pursuits to fill your day. Choose foods that make you happy and healthy. Choose daily exercise that makes you happy and feel good. Choose a way of life even during lock down that makes you happy. Choose happy. Choose healthy. Choose happy. Choose healthy. Choose happy. Choose healthy. Choose continue reading
30th April 2020
Morning beautiful ladies, how are you? I hope you are safe, well, happy and healthy and you are looking after your body and mind daily.❤️ I’m Sharing this post below with you that my fellow PT friend Jonny wrote… I love this.. so true… daily exercise is so important and vital for your health and continue reading
Looking after your mind
29th April 2020
Just heard on the radio today that anti-anxiety/depression medication prescriptions have simply gone through the roof! We are certainly living in uncertain times, which is why spending a few moments each day on your own mental wellbeing is so important right now. Especially if you are looking after others as well. So what simple habits continue reading
Set your day up well
28th April 2020
How do you set up your day to be positive, healthy, happy and productive? For those of you know me, you will know that every day I start my day with exercise and positive mantras to set my day up in a fabulous way. This ensures my mind and body are both feeling positively inspired. continue reading
Hypnotising yourself
26th April 2020
You’re hypnotising yourself… “How do you know Davinia?” I hear you say? Because everyone does it. The way you hypnotise yourself is with your language, we all get hypnotised with the words we say to ourselves. When you recite the same things over and over again, you feel the same thing over and over again. continue reading