Latest Blog/News
1st March 2022
Where do I even begin, working with Davinia has been amazing and has been the greatest start to 2022! During the pandemic I managed to get into intermittent fasting and go for walks during the day. But I started a new job which turns out was very emotionally and mentally draining. I lost sight of continue reading
Affirmations and why I love them..
28th February 2022
The benefits of Affirmations are endless, they have helped a multitude of people all over the world achieve great things, but more importantly, they can help you make positive changes in your life. They have certainly helped me and so many of my clients over the years too. Affirmations have the power to motivate you continue reading
Roar like a lioness
26th February 2022
Every morning I start my day with affirmations whilst moving to set my day up fabulously. It really works. Through some of my hardest days a few years ago, when I was going through my divorce, this was my strategy that I used to help me get through it. There were some days that I continue reading
Minerals and why juicing is so important for these.
5th April 2021
As you will know by now, I am a huge fan of juicing and I JUICE EVERY DAY WITHOUT FAIL. I say this not to impress you but to impress upon you the absolute importance of adding fresh fruits and veggies into your body on a daily basis to help your body, health, wellbeing and continue reading
Nutritional choices
31st March 2021
Are you feeding your body the healthy, nutritious fuel it needs to function correctly? An easy way to tell is check the label or ingredients…. healthy food doesn’t have ingredients; healthy food IS ingredients. Fruit & veg don’t have a label to explain the preservatives, additives and fillers because there are none. The less human continue reading
27th March 2021
Do you wish you were more ? What does being confident mean to you? How do you want to see yourself? If you don’t feel confident you have -. Your self-talk affects how you feel every moment of every day. When you’re feeling shy, fearful or paranoid, carefully about the words you’re saying to yourself. continue reading
What are your next steps?
23rd March 2021
Do you procrastinate? Do you feel like achieving your goals will take too long so why bother? What you do TODAY matters. Habits are built 1 day at a time. The time will pass anyway, whether you’re working towards your dreams or not, so why not take action and take steps towards the body, health continue reading
Words can shape your destiny!
19th March 2021
We forget that every single day we influence ourselves through the words we use, whether positive or negative. You can instantly change how you feel by changing the words you use to describe your experiences to yourself. Your internal voice, the conversations you have in your head, are with an unreliable narrator! You can update continue reading
14th March 2021
When I get ready for the day, I shout my morning mantras out loud! I put major force into my affirmations so they ingrain every fibre of my body! I LOVE mantras & affirmations to: set up a positive mindset for the day remind myself of my goals and focus maintain an attitude of gratitude continue reading
Cheerleading you along the way
10th March 2021
Do you spend your time around radiators or drains? Are you with people who always see the positive side of situations, or people who are quick to judge, complain or gossip? When you’ve spent time with them, do you feel positive and motivated or negative and lethargic? Energy, both good and bad, is contagious. If continue reading
6th March 2021
Having great health, body and emotional wellbeing is not a singular act. This happens because of what you repeatedly do. Are your habits serving you in all areas of your life? If not, what do you still need to change? What do you need to add?
Dehydrated apple – yummy!
5th March 2021
One of my fav snacks and so tasty! Dehydrated apples are so . Dried apples can be used in so many ways, including crumbled on morning porridge oats or as a sweet snack right out of the jar or bowl! Drying or dehydrating apples is a method of food preservation that removes most of the continue reading