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Thought of the day – Life summary
25th March 2015
The saddest summary of life contains three descriptions: could have, would have, and should have….
Thought of the day – Life
23rd March 2015
Have an aim in life, then remember to pull the trigger.
Thought of the day – Obsessed
17th March 2015
Obsessed is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated.
Thought of the day – Dream persistent
9th March 2015
Be ridiculously persistent in making your dreams happen.
Thought of the day – Workout
5th March 2015
A one hour work is 4 % of your day, no excuses!
Thought of the day – Dream
3rd March 2015
Thought of the day – Your mind
23rd February 2015
Your strongest muscle & worst enemy is your mind. Train it well.
Thought of the day – Positively
20th February 2015
Remember to talk to yourself positively to get yourself into a good mindset and set up your day fabulously.
Thought of the day – Do you make it happen?
19th February 2015
Some people want it to happen, some people wish it to happen and some people make it happen….. Which will you be?
Thought of the day – Getting better
17th February 2015
No matter how good you get, you can always get better… That’s the exciting part. Woohoo x
Thought of the day – Setting goals
6th February 2015
Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible – SET YOUR GOALS NOW!!
Thought of the day – Behaviours
9th January 2015
Don’t just set goals, identify the behaviours and actions that you need to exhibit every day to get you there.