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Excel or difficult?
19th March 2019
What areas of your life do you excel in? And what areas are more difficult for you? The areas we excel in we tend to like to focus on because it’s comfortable and natural for us to be working on that area. But the areas we really struggle on we need to focus on more continue reading
15th March 2019
Always start your day with a smile… and also always start your day with some fresh juice that you have made from your smile! This will ensure that you get a plethora of vitamins, minerals and enzymes for energy, health and wellbeing. how do you start your day?
Eat energy rich foods
We are all made up of energy. And we have to eat energy to be energy and not eat food that robs our energy. Eat energy rich food- raw, live and wholesome are best!
Juice for energy and health and wellbeing
14th March 2019
Just setting up my kitchen to do a short talk to some of my clients about why and how to juice and make blends to improve your health and wellbeing. Adding raw homemade juices into your diet is a game changer for your health, wellbeing and energy levels. If you want to feel alive and continue reading
Food enzymes
12th March 2019
I am just Reading a book on Food enzymes and the one thing I keep reading and re reading and want to share – is that we must increase our raw fruit and vegetables to ensure we not only get our vitamins and minerals but also the enzymes we need for food digestion and other continue reading
Positive affirmations
8th March 2019
Place positive affirmations around the house so you read them throughout the day and inspire yourself to stay on track or think positively… What do your affirmations and mantras need to say? I can do this I am strong I am happy I am fit I am confident I am healthy I love exercising I continue reading
6th March 2019
The most dangerous negativity comes from ourselves in the form of doubts, fears and unreasonable self-criticisms. Excessive self-criticism is a bad habit and is so self-destructive. Don’t be your own worst enemy! Be kind to yourself. Only say nice things about yourself. Be loving to yourself and believe in yourself. Know you can Make things continue reading
Morning juices
5th March 2019
So how do you start your day off? Every morning I start my day with a wonderful raw fresh juice made with multitude of vegetables and fruits for a plethora of vitamins and minerals and enzymes to ensure my body has a magnitude of energy and vitality for my day ahead. We all need between continue reading
A new Week.
4th March 2019
A new week is always exciting as you can pledge and make some wonderful goals for your week and work on improving your health and wellbeing. Yes, you can of course do this any day at any time- but a new week always seems to brim with more excitement to make new changes! So what continue reading
Ginger shot time
26th February 2019
A ginger shot to start the day with a woo hoo. Ginger is everyone’s favourite aunty. Anti fungal Anti-histamine Anti bacterial Amazing stuff I put plenty of ginger in my shot to give it a good spicy zing! This made about two decent shots worth of juice!
25th February 2019
Repeat after me… I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. Great mantra to have. Have a fab Monday
*Don’t look at the problem, look for the solution* It works… Thank you to my wonderful friend and client Nicky for sharing this with me yesterday. I will be using this now.