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Meal prepping
26th November 2022
Meal prepping – yay or nay? Something that I talk about time and time again when I start out with new clients who are busy and struggling to fit things in to their lives is about meal prepping and planning for the week. So, if you are struggling with a busy schedule but you want continue reading
Are you healthy enough?
23rd November 2022
People often think that they’re healthy because they aren’t sick. But the truth is, health isn’t the absence of sickness and disease. Health and wellbeing are about looking after yourself on a daily basis to feel and look fab. Today I’m going to share with you how you know if you’re potentially not quite as continue reading
Be your own best friend
16th November 2022
This week I’ve been talking quite a bit with some of my coaching clients about how to become your very own best friend. The truth is, so many of us aren’t nice enough to ourselves and look for validation and love from others and not from ourselves. Today I want to touch on learning how continue reading
9th November 2022
What habits are serving you? What habits do you want to create in your life? What habits are destroying your health and energy levels? Have a real long think about these questions above… Great health and wellbeing are formed by having healthy, happy, positive habits. When you’re healthy, fit and well you automatically enjoy your continue reading
Some of fav affirmations
5th November 2022
A few of my fav daily affirmations… · I am enough · I am strong enough · I am good enough · I am stronger every day · I am happier every day · I am fitter every day · Every day I know that my body and mind are capable of great things · continue reading
10 changes to help you improve your body, health and mindset
2nd November 2022
1. Drink more water to fill you up and give you more energy. 2. Pack your lunch the night before, so you’re ready for the day ahead. 3. Fill a water bottle or two upon waking so it’s ready to drink. 4. Meal prep and plan food for the week ahead. 5. Track your exercise continue reading
15th June 2022
A massive thank you to you Davinia for the last 12 weeks! You are truly fabulous! Before I came to see you I was feeling overwhelmed with how to make changes to make me feel better about myself on the outside and inside! You have been an amazing support and coach to help me work continue reading
Do you need to go on a diet?
1st June 2022
Many people think they need to give up all the foods they LOVE and be super strict to get in shape… do you agree? Or do you think it would be better to have a more balanced regime? Which would you prefer? Read on gorgeous as today I’m going to be talking all about healthier continue reading
Stress strategy tips
29th May 2022
Hey gorgeous how are you? I hope you are fab and well?. If you are anything like myself, my other clients or loved ones I am thinking you might sometimes feel a bit stressed!!! Aggghh!!! And if you are anything like me you might also struggle to give yourself permission to give yourself some time continue reading
Do more of what makes you happy.
27th May 2022
Morning gorgeous how are you? I hope you are fabulously well and you are having a wonderful week.. Today I’m going to share with you a few of my wise and simple words that I have shared in my Facebook group before AND these are definitely words worth repeating and that is this….. Do more continue reading
Goal Getter
24th May 2022
Morning gorgeous, how are you? I hope you are fab and well. I’ve just been having a quick bounce on the rebounder whilst shouting out my mantras loud and clear! Awesome! I am feeling strong and ready to go. Woo hoo! My green juice is made, my mindset is sharp and I’m fully focused. Awesome. continue reading
Why a Food diary and a fitbit can help you.
5th March 2022
Food and movement journaling is something that I truly recommend that all my clients do to lose weight and to improve their health too. I find tracking your food and movement is by far the most useful way to see what is going on in your day. It’s like a built-in mindfulness tool to check continue reading