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Setting goals
17th July 2019
Setting goals is the first step of turning the invisible into the visible…. What goals do you need to set for your… Health and wellbeing Fitness Relationships Personal development Career Work life balance Family Hobbies and/or travelling Finances? Set goals that make you leap up in the morning with excitement.. and then get working on continue reading
16th July 2019
Fourteen super foods to have weekly if you can. I recommend you read Super foods- Fourteen foods that will change your life. By Steven G Pratt and Kathy Mathews Beans –(pinto beans, chickpeas, lentils, green beans, sugar snap peas, green peas) help to reduce obesity. Blueberries – lower the risk for cardiovascular disease. Broccoli – continue reading
Habits and lifestyle
Whatever you start, be consistent for 21 days to make it become a habit and 90 days to make it your lifestyle. Once its become your lifestyle…success is 100% sure… Dare to try!! Go for it
Gratitude attitude
15th July 2019
Who makes you smile? See more of them.😃 What makes you smile? Have more of those experiences.💕 Remember, daily, to Focus internally on the things that make you sunny and happy…. and say thank you with a big, open heart.❤️ Let your gratitude attitude stand out today and every day and you will be/ feel continue reading
Health and wellbeing
13th July 2019
Make sure you have fantastic health and wellbeing everyday so you can live your life to the full, be happy and energised. What is depleting your health and wellbeing on a daily basis? Stop doing it. What is increasing your health and wellbeing on a daily basis? Do more of it..
Become healthy
3rd July 2019
In my opinion, feeling healthy is the most important feeling in the world. When you are unhealthy you have little energy, you feel uninspired with your life and you feel unhappy. Having great health determines how great you feel. When you have excellent health you have an abundance of vitality and energy, making you live continue reading
Words are so important as they can simply fire you up or knock you down… What words fire you up? Go through the list below and see which words encourage you to take action and make you feel motivated. Think of something that you want to do, but you are finding hard to do – continue reading
What is holding you back?
2nd July 2019
STOP – take a moment. Is anything or anyone holding you back? What action do you need to take right now? Start taking action now….
Goals Galore
1st July 2019
What do you want to make Happen this summer? What are your health, fitness and nutritional goals? What are your relationship and social goals? What are your work and financial goals? What are your holiday and recreational goals? Start focusing on each of these areas and set fabulously inspiring goals in them.
Up your game
27th June 2019
We all desire to be vital and fit, and beautiful. We have places to go and things to accomplish that require energized bodies. When we eat to live more than live to eat we unveil our greater physical potential. Start looking at food as a pleasure to make you live healthily not as a pleasure to live continue reading
Prescribing vegetables
25th June 2019
Get juicing Or keep juicing! DOCTORS MAY SOON BE PRESCRIBING VEGETABLES INSTEAD OF DRUGS TO PREVENT DISEASE. Soon, eating healthier foods might be prescribed by doctors to avoid chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. A recent study found that healthy food prescription would improve people’s health, which would be more economical in the continue reading
Live your best life
24th June 2019
What makes you smile? What makes you happy? What inspires you? What do you need to do to live your best life? Always surround yourself with people, animals, nature, and things that make you happy. Always work on your health, fitness and wellbeing so that you can live the life that you want and deserve.❤️ continue reading