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Mindset tips to get back on track

Hey lovely! Have you fallen off the wagon and are struggling to get back on track with your weight loss, fitness or health journey? If so, I truly want you to ditch the idea of being ‘perfect’ on your journey because I believe this is the mindset that holds most people back.

Many of us set goals assuming that we have to be perfect. But honestly we don’t! The most important thing is to be consistent and have more healthier days than not. Consistency means we can have off days, because the truth is, there will always be days that you don’t achieve anything; you don’t get to workout, walk or stick to your eating plan. That’s normal; blip days are normal.
Consistency is about having more good days than off days. If you have an off day the most important thing to do is challenge yourself to bounce back quickly and get yourself back on track.
Just because you’ve had a blip day, please don’t then say to yourself, “I’ll start again next week.” Noooo! One day here and there does nothing to detract from your progress and goals. It’s the one day when followed by a downward spiral for a week or 2 that affects your progress! So,I recommend challenging yourself to get back on track immediately!
Fat loss and health and fitness goals are never about what happens in a day. It’s about being consistent on your calorie deficit or workouts and healthy habitsover a period of time.
So, make it your new goal and decision to challenge yourself to turn things around ASAP after your blip. And always – Remove the need to be perfect.

Watch this video on my Instagram account to hear me talk about this even more.👇🏻

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