We get so wrapped up in the day-to-day that we forget to take care of ourselves most of the time.
We pack on so many responsibilities that it’s easy to lose track of what’s important. Simple things can bring us back to our centers, revive our motivation and inspiration, and set us up for our next big win in life. So take a few breaks throughout your day and treat yourself!
Here are some small things that you can do today that will make you feel instantly better.
1. Make a fresh Juice and drink it with happiness … knowing a plethora of raw fruit and vegetables will give you the energy and fulfilment you need for your day. It’s not only amazing for your health and wellbeing but will make you feel emotionally fulfilled too.
2. Exercise. I know we all have tight and busy schedules, But exercise is a wonderful way to increase your energy and feel good endorphins, whilst moving your body and increasing your self esteem. Even 10 -15 mins will make an impact on your well being. Choose the exercise that makes you feel happy, be it running, walking, yoga, weights, dancing to music – whatever it is just make sure you do something.
3. Have a cuddle from one of your most favourite people; a partner, friend, child, any loved one.
4. Pick your favourite mantra or quote and keep repeating it so that you take it on board and use the strength from it to impact your day positively.
5. Be kind to a complete stranger. Maybe buy them a coffee or just say hello to a stranger and just be kind. Just be kind. Just be kind. Just be kind!
6. Read a chapter or two from your favourite and most inspiring books daily. Or else start listening to inspiring podcasts. I have a few I listen to daily that I love, especially Fern Cotton’s and Rob Moore’s podcasts.
7. Drink plenty of water in the day to keep you feeling alert. Anything between 1.5-3 litres a day is fantastic. There is big variation but that’s depending on if you are exercising much and how hot it is etc!
8. Ring a friend or loved one and just tell them how much you adore them. This makes them feel good and you.
9. Go for a walk in nature if you can. Walking in nature is one of my favourite things. Again doesn’t have to be a long walk but if you can get out in nature – it certainly helps heal the body and mind.
10. Think about your goals daily. Write them down on a piece of card and keep this in your purse or keep them on your notes on your phone. Always look at these daily to inspire you and keep you focused.
11. Smile. Smile and smile more. Even if you aren’t feeling happy -smiling will soon turn around some of those negative feelings. It might not turn around everything but it will help.
12. When things aren’t going your way always speak to yourself with kindness and love. On my hardest days I always tell myself,
“It will be ok. Everything will be ok.”
And you know what- it will be. It might not always be straight away but things always turn around.
Have a fabulous Monday and be kind to your body and mind. Go for it