What do you need to do this week to feel great, look great and be happier and healthier? Do you need to start exercising more? And if so what type of exercise do you need to do? And What about your diet? Do you need to clean it up? And are you having a plethora of fruit and vegetables – between 5-10 raw fruit and vegetables a day for ultimate wellbeing? And what about stress levels? What are you doing to bring more calmness and relaxation into your life? And are you having enough water? 2-3 litres a day for optimum energy and health benefits and weight loss. And how much sleep do you need to feel energised? There are so many things that we all need to look at to help us feel better consistently.
Aim to work on all areas weekly. But if one area is really pulling your health and well-being down then focus on that this week and set goals around it.
My area that I tend to fall down on is lack of sleep. Being a single mummy this area can often lapse as Holly loves to be with me as soon as she wakes up and that can be any unearthly hour. Lol. We now have a new rule that she has to stay in her bed until 5am and then hopefully I will extend it to 6am. But with her it all has to be done very, very slowly. Bless her. So if I have had consistently a few days of little sleep then I take myself to bed super early to try and do a catch up. Last night I was in bed at 8.45pm .. it just has to be done sometimes to catch up on those zzz’s. Dreamy…
What will you work on this week?