Have a good foundation
If you build a building with poor foundations then how can it still stand a 100 years on? Same with our bodies. If we feed our bodies with poor nutrition then we won’t be around to live a long healthy life and we will crumble. I know I have shared that analogy before.. but repetition is the mother skill. And I want you to remember that.😀
Feed your body with the right nutrition. Plenty of raw and live foods. Aim to have 5-10 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. ( more vegetables than fruit is a better balance) Reduce massively or stop your white refined sugars, fats and salt. Stop all processed foods and go back to basics of cooking, if possible, from scratch.
Easy foods like homemade soups, omelettes, roasted vegetables, salads or vegetables with protein, casseroles and curry’s without the carbs at night are great meals.
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