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Do more of what makes you happy.

Morning gorgeous how are you? I hope you are fabulously well and you are having a wonderful week..

Today I’m going to share with you a few of my wise and simple words that I have shared in my Facebook group before AND these are definitely words worth repeating and that is this…..

Do more of the things that make you happy in life and more of the things that make you feel fab and do way less of the stuff that you don’t like!

You see the truth is I have countless discussions with clients, friends and family members that all too often end up doing stuff that they really don’t want to be doing and if that is you too then I truly recommend you aim to design your life so you are doing more of the stuff that makes you feel amazing and happy and do far less of the stuff that isn’t serving you, your body, your mind or heart well. When you focus on doing more of the things that fill your heart with joy, your productivity levels, motivation, inspiration for life, health and well-being will automatically improve too..

Not so long ago, I had a fabulous client called Sarah that worked with me on one of my weight loss programmes because she wanted to lose weight, get fitter and feel more confident in herself. She wanted to lose about 2 stone and get back in to her size 12 clothes and increase her energy so she could run around with her kids more easily. In our initial coaching call, we went through her goals and discussed lots of different ways that she could create the body and energy that she wanted. Some of the things that Sarah decided to implement as a result of the first coaching session were adding in small amounts of daily exercise, adding in a home made green juice instead of having breakfast, increasing her water content, adding more veggies and salad to her daily meals, cutting down on the processed foods etc and following more of an 80/20 regime – 80% of the time being super healthy with food, movement etc and 20% of the time taking a more relaxed approach with a couple of meals out at the weekend. This fabulous client of mine then also saw me twice a week too for a fab coaching/PT blend training session as well when we really kicked arse in my gym- yay!

Sarah  was super focused and the truth is she loved adding in these new healthier habits which we made sure fit into her lifestyle with ease and happiness. She really loved the fact that they fit into her lifestyle and she was being a fab role model for her daughters too.  She was so excited and happy about this healthier, happier approach that she adopted and it wasn’t long (about 6 months) until she was back in her size 12’s and looking and feeling amazing. One day she turned around to me and explained that she had trained with so many PT’s over her life yet she never really got the results that she wanted. I asked her why and she felt it was because they were giving her a diet and an exercise regime that was not realistically going to fit into her daily lifestyle. She said they felt so restrictive and punishing that she found it too hard to stick to it for long enough. And here’s the golden nugget from this- YOU MUST DO A REGIME OR SOMETHING THAT YOU ENJOY. SOMETHING THAT FILLS YOU WITH JOY AND MAKES YOU FEEL FAB AND NOT SOMETHING THAT YOU HATE – OR YOU WILL GIVE UP. Because Sarah enjoyed her exercise, her juicing and her 80/20 healthy regime she was able to carry it on and make it an integral part of her life-. You have to do the things that make you feel happy and fab. If you are currently trying to lose weight, get fitter, healthier and you are struggling with it then ask yourself which parts are you enjoying and which parts aren’t you enjoying and adjust it to your needs to create the results that you want and deserve. Maybe someone once told you that you have to run to lose weight and get fitter, but because you hate running you then give up. Well guess what? You don’t have to run to lose weight and get fitter, you can do a power walk or some form of other  exercise instead that you enjoy. You don’t have to do the things that you truly hate. Do the things that you enjoy doing as then you will find it much easier to fit it into your lifestyle. Believe me. Do the things that you love doing and the results will follow.

Recently I was also coaching a client who hated her part time admin job. It was literally making her so unhappy and she just didn’t want to carry on with it because it was making her sick, but she wanted to bring in some income into the home still. So we had a discussion about what she would like to do instead of this job. And her passion is to be able to work with animals, in particular dogs. She knew that being around animals would make her feel happier. In this coaching call we looked at how she could start working with animals and she realise that she could probably put a little advert into her local Facebook group for dog walking and looking after animals etc. Well immediately after this call, this client of mine started putting little adverts out and telling friends, relatives etc what she wanted to do. Within 3 months this fab lady manged to get enough clients to be able to walk their dogs, do doggy day care etc. She has now given up her admin job and is doing something that she loves on a daily basis. As a result of her career change her health has improved because her stress levels have lowered, she has lost weight from all the walking and she is actually earning the same money that she was but for doing something that she loves. She is now thinking of setting up a little business where by she looks after people’s animals when they go on holiday too. She is so much happier, healthier and lighter in body and mind now. Amazing!

Happiness can literally improve your health by helping you to: have a stronger immune system; avoid or manage certain medical conditions like diabetes, cancer and heart disease; reduce stress and manage pain better. Being happy also leads to better mental health and can help you to lose weight because you are less stressed and hence don’t stress eat or drink! 

So have a think now – is your current lifestyle making you happy? Are you happy with what you are doing in your life? If not then is it time to start learning to let go of the things that don’t serve you or make you happy and start concentrating on the things that are going to make you feel happy and feel fabulous.

What makes you feel amazing and happy?

Because whatever it is – Do more of it.

What makes you feel energized?

Do more of it.

What makes you feel lighter?

Do more of it.

What makes you fitter?

Do more of it.

What makes you feel stronger?

Do more of it.

What makes you feel healthier?

Do more of it.

What makes you feel happier?

Do more of it.

What makes you laugh?

Do more of it.

What makes you smile?

Do more of it.

What makes you sleep?

Do more of it.

What makes your relationship blissful?

Do more of it.

What makes your friendships and family relationships fantastic?

Do more of it.

What makes your relationship with your kids fulfilling, loving and happy?

Do more of it.

What makes you feel kind and be kinder?

Do more of it.

What makes you a happy and supportive living?

Do more of it?

What makes you feel balanced and at peace?

Do more of it.

The truth is – Just do more of what makes you feel amazing, lighter, fitter, healthier, energised, happier, kinder and more balanced.

Just do more of the stuff that gives you amazing results and makes you feel and look fabulous.

And starting learning to ditch the rest or possibly delegate out to others.

Have a fab Friday xxx❤️

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