Do more of what makes you feel great
What makes your heart sing?
Do more of it.
What makes you feel amazing?
Do more of it.
What makes you feel energised?
Do more of it.
What makes you feel lighter?
Do more of it.
What makes you fitter?
Do more of it.
What makes you laugh?
Do more of it.
What makes you sleep?
Do more of it.
What makes your relationship blissful?
Do more of it.
What makes your friendships and family relationships fantastic?
Do more of it.
What makes your relationship with your kids fulfilling, loving and happy?
Do more of it.
What makes you feel kind and be kinder?
Do more of it.
What makes you want to move?
Do more of it.
What makes you a living?
Do more of it?
What makes you feel balanced?
Do more of it.
Just do more of what makes you feel amazing, lighter, fitter, energised, happier, kinder and balanced.
Just do more of the stuff that gives you amazing results and makes you feel amazing.
Ditch the rest!
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