Addressing over-eating
Exercising is just one component of getting the body that you deserve and want. But as I am sure you know what you put into your body is equally as important in helping you to get the figure that you want. You might be exercising 24/7 but if you still eat the wrong foods then you are still going to struggle getting the figure that you hanker after.
So many people thing that by embarking on an exercise regime they will get back into their size 10 jeans! But if you really want to look and feel fabulous then you need to crack the healthy eating regime too.
I coach most of my clients on a one-to- one session helping them to address over-eating and food demons. Most people over eat and binge to fulfil their emotions be it boredom, loneliness, sadness, depression, frustration, anger and so on. By finding out what emotions are continuously causing you to comfort eat will help you start stopping these destructive patterns. Once you become self-aware of any triggers that are causing you to eat then you can start changing these patterns and become in control of food.
I have been coaching two of my clients this week on over-eating and both of them have come up with a plan to be more in ‘control’. Well done girls, can’t wait to hear how the plan is coming along next week. By addressing your binging urges you can learn to stop them and come up with other alternative habits to make you feel great from within instead of using food.