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Hello, I’m Davinia

Davinia Gill

I am a BODY, HEALTH & MINDSET (B.H.M) COACH and PERSONAL TRAINER helping and supporting women over 40 years old to be their best in Body, health and mindset.  I am passionate about helping you and my clients improve their health and wellbeing so you can feel happy, confident, abundant and love your bodies and life. I use a blend of Coaching and Personal Training, Nutritional Coaching focusing on Macros as well as Juicing and Neuro linguistic programming to help my clients be their best in body, health, mindset and to live their best lives.

I am a very happy, fun-loving, energetic, motivating, warm-hearted, honest, kind, nurturing, healthy and fit person. i am contagiously joyful and my positive energy is something that my clients love. I set high standards for myself and this is why my health, fitness and wellbeing are fantastic. I practice what I preach and I am passionate about what I do. I absolutely love helping and supporting my clients so that they achieve the success that they want and deserve in life. Life is for living, and when you are living you want to feel fabulous. I ensure that I feel fabulous every day by keeping myself fit and healthy but also by doing things that make me feel happy; Luckily I love what I do.


There is nothing more rewarding than seeing my clients transform their lives and move forward. This is my passion and I love what I do, so I am totally committed and dedicated to supporting my clients to their full potential. When you are coached and trained by me you will not only become far more self aware about your health, body, wellbeing and mindset but more importantly, you will get the results that you want as you will be consistently improving and raising your standards week by week.

I have been in the health and fitness industry now for over 26 years. I started out as an Aerobics Instructor which I absolutely loved and slowly but surely I kept on learning and taking different courses so I could expand and teach different fitness classes, ranging from Boxercise and Circuits to Step Aerobics and BLT. Eventually I took and passed all the required modules to become a Personal Trainer and I have been training women for over 26 years. Over the years, I have worked with hundreds of clients helping them to take control of their lives physically with the right nutrition and juices and exercise.

Then 20 years ago I suddenly started to realise that the only way to have a really fantastic life is to not only be physically fit and healthy, but also to be emotionally fit and healthy. When you are emotionally fit and healthy, you are in control of your emotions. You are able to experience a lot of positive emotions and be in charge of your mindset and hence have fantastic wellbeing. So 20 years ago, I decided it was time to invest in my own personal growth and start increasing my personal power. I attained a Coaching Diploma from The Coaching Academy and became a committed coach, working with women to help them raise their self esteem, confidence, happiness and wellbeing. My passion for coaching then led me on to the pathway of NLP and I trained with Paul Mckenna and Richard Bandler. Coaching and NLP allows you to take control of your emotions, and thus be responsible for your actions, ensuring that you live the sort of life that you dream of.

I am dedicated and committed to my own personal development and my continual development on myself will infiltrate you and inspire you. I am not saying this to impress you but rather to impress upon you that your will constantly receive inspiration and motivation from any new research and new work I am learning about. I am constantly investing in seminars, courses and continual development to update techniques and knowledge to share with you to ensure that you get what you want from your session. I, too also have my own Coach and Mentor to keep me being my best in other areas of my life. I absolutely practice what I preach. Infact anyone who has been or is highly successful in an area of their life has had a Coach, Mentor or Teacher to push them beyond what is their normal comfort zone. It so important that we all work in our stretch zone at times. However, it is also very important that we

Having had first hand experience of significant life challenges, such as coming from a broken home with no mother figure as a child, my own divorce and being a single mum for a while, I am passionate about providing empathetic guidance and support to empower my clients to reclaim their bodies, health and wellbeing. I am now happily remarried, and restoring my relationship with my mum. I am healthier, fitter, more confident than ever and I love inspiring and helping others to turn their lives around too.

I love feeling fit and I am in my gym most days and/or going for long walks with my weighted vest on! My health is great now because I eat and drink the right foods and prioritise my wellbeing. I like to focus on keeping up my protein and dietary fiber -which hugely helps with peri-menopausal symptoms and I also like to include a homemade green juice on a daily basis too. However, to be fair my health is something that has let me down in the last few years, mainly because I had gone through a divorce and often stress can really affect our health and wellbeing. It was at this point when the stress was taking its toll on me, that I started to up the game with my raw fruits and vegetables to get a plethora of vitamins and minerals and enzymes into my system to help improve my health (which it did fabulously).  In fact, 5 years ago I decided I needed to learn more about juicing and plant power and I embarked on a Natural Juice Therapist course to find out how juicing can help heal sick/stressed bodies and over weight bodies. The course was amazing and after an immense amount of studying and exams I  learnt all about plant power. I became a certified Independent Natural Juice Therapist and love inspiring my clients to add juicing into their daily diets to increase their health and wellbeing.  I am an avid juicer and I incorporate a green homemade juice into my diet daily. This has been a total game changer to my health and I really do recommend that everyone has fresh green juice in their daily diet. I am also a massive advocate of making sure that not only do you incorporate the micro nutrients into your body, but macro nutrients are hugely important too. And when I started focusing on adding more protein into my regime this made a huge difference to my weight loss and my sugar cravings- since being in perimenopause and this is something I am massively passionate about. You will constantly hear me talking about tracking protein and genuinely this is a game changer to help stabilize blood sugars, cravings, appetite and hormones. So yes I am a passionate protein person!

In 2009 I wrote my first step-by-step guide to help young women transform their lives. This book is called Imagine & You Can. It is available to buy on this website on my shop page. It is a must read for you, if you want to feel fantastic daily and transform your life.  Over the years I have contributed and written many articles on health and fitness for local magazines and newspapers. And some years ago I was very well known for my weekly Personal training fitness column in the Watford Observer. I have always loved writing and being able to share my passion and knowledge to others through articles or my book has been and is hugely exciting and important to me.

Health and wellbeing is of utmost importance to me and I try to cheerfully inspire my daughter to eat healthily and be happy.  I use the word ‘try’ as my daughter is going through a phase of not wanting any vegetables. So I am now getting them down her by making colorful soups and juices. It seems to be working! Running my business alongside my family life, time is of the essence. So I am constantly trying to find quick ways of making tasty yet healthy foods that are enjoyable into our lifestyle. I teach, live by and subscribe to the 80/20 approach in life with food and exercise and this is what I teach with my B.H.M. System. My B.H.M. System has helped me and my clients become  leaner, stronger, happier, fitter, healthier and more confident in a balanced way.

I am passionate about helping others to feel fabulous with not only their food regime but also their exercise and mind regimes too. Your body, health and mindset is vital to living a life that is full of energy, zest, balance and happiness.

Clients often come to me when they are fed up with how they feel and look. They are fearful and frustrated as their old regime is not working for them and their hormones are affecting how they feel and the weight is slowly increasing up. They come to me when they are stressed, frazzled, depleted, putting on weight, hungry, not consistent with their lifestyle, haven’t got any guidance or accountability and support and want to turn this around. And what I want you to know is –  you can turn this around, with my guidance, support and expertise. I will give you guidance, strategy, support, accountability and give you a realistic way of making changes and implementing healthier habits so you get the results that you want.

My Weight loss programs and Transformational Mindset Coaching programs are designed to inspire, empower and motivate you to be your best self so that you love yourself and live your best life.

Is it now time to work on loving and living your best life now too? Are you ready to work with me?


  • Diploma in Personal Training: Level 3 Fully qualified YMCA Personal Trainer;
  • Antenatal and Postnatal Fitness Trainer;
  • Sports Conditioning Trainer;
  • Technique and Improvements Trainer in Running;
  • Nutrition and Weight Management Coach;
  • Diploma in Personal Performance Coaching: Professional Coach, trained by the Coaching Academy;
  • Licensed Master Practitioner of NLP, trained by Paul Mckenna, Richard Bandler and Michael Neil;
  • Hypnosis Practitioner, trained by Paul Mckenna and Richard Bandler.
  • Independent Natural Juice Therapist
Davinia Gill image


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