Charlotte Gomez
Before starting with Davinia, I was very unhappy with my body and my health. I was lacking energy and all of my clothes wouldn’t fit me, apart from leggings and baggy t-shirts. At that point I decided it was time to do something about it.
The support that I have received has been simply amazing. Achievable goals were set and the exercise matched and changed where I was at with my body and health. Small steps, grew into big steps with plenty of support and encouragement from Davinia who has such a positive energy, which quickly rubbed off onto me.
I am much happier with my body, health and wellbeing – I feel fitter and stronger and a lot more confident in myself. I started off hating the idea of running, but now do between 10km-15km a week, all of my own choice and never pushed by Davinia – there is no point doing a type of exercise, if you do not enjoy it as it isn’t sustainable. I now live with a balanced mind-set and do not deny myself a glass or two of bubbles or a chocolate bourbon biscuit…but I know that if I do, I need to offset it with exercise – a run or a long family walk.
Davinia is simply amazing – she has supported me with changing my mind-set and my approach to food and exercise. I never feel pressured to do anything I do not want to do, but simply encouraged to make the right choices. She keeps me accountable to myself, but in her bubbly, kind and happy way. I definitely could not have achieved what I have achieved without her support and encouragement. It has been worth every penny and you simply cannot put a price on your health.