A cracking day ahead!
Hey gorgeous
I have a question for you.
How do you set up your day to be positive, healthy, happy and productive?
I have to say I am quite lucky as I am of those annoyingly happy people in the morning. Hehe. I think because my dad used to get up at the crack of dawn where we were children, it has engrained in me the early morning bug. However, I have also set up a super fab morning routine to ensure that I set up each day well and therefore show up well and I thought I would share it with you below as it will definitely help you with your body, mindset and health. Boom!
The routine
I start my day every day, without fail, with exercise and positive mantras. This ensures my mind and body are both feeling positively inspired. I have been using this method for years and you honestly don’t need to exercise for long as even 5-10 mins can be a game changer to how you feel in the morning.
So the Exercise can be anything cardio wise from outdoors running or walking (if you want to do a longer amount of exercise) or to jumping around in your lounge or running on the spot or jumping on a small indoor rebounder..( I definitely recommend rebounding by the way. So much fun!)
And then whilst you exercise start repeating again and again some positive mantras to keep your mind feeling positive and on track. Literally Declare what you want to make happen
Such as
Every day in every way I am stronger and stronger.
Every day in every way I am happier and happier.
Every day in every way I am fitter and fitter.
I am 100 percent healthy and full of energy
I am leaner and leaner
I am confident
Then just Repeat these again and again whilst you exercise to condition your mind and body for success, health and positivity. Woo hoo go for it. It will really set your day up fabulously.
Ps my daughter Holly does this mind morning routine with me too. Every day she will bounce on the rebounder repeating her mantras. Her favourite one is “ I am fast like a cheetah!” and guess what… she is FAST!
See you soon
Have a fab day
Ps have you signed up to my FREE facebook group yet? We would love to see you in there.