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It’s me or the tortoise!

Hello gorgeous,

How are you?

I hope you are really well. As you might remember from my last email but we have a baby Tortoise.. Her name is Roxy and we love her so much. It sounds a bit strange really as of course she isn’t cuddly and she isn’t your usual pet but wow we love her. For some time, my daughter and I have wanted to get a pet and after my divorce back in 2018, I have been promising my daughter Holly a pet. Firstly, she wanted a fish, then of course a bunny and then other numerous pets including a hamster, a dog, a cat and of course a pet cheetah! Seriously she would love a cheetah as they are fast and Holly likens herself to a cheetah because she runs so fast too.

But of course, in the end we went for something quite the opposite a tortoise! Now this is quite funny really as we are all such speedy beings in our home. None of us sit down for long, we are always on the go and we love to move and exercise. So, what the heck did we get a tortoise for? Especially as they say most people buy a pet that ends up being similar to them or looking like them! Quite the opposite for us!



However, you can learn a lot from a tortoise’s habits. And in fact, being around her has been amazing for us as we are learning the art of silence- something we don’t have much of in our house!

We are also learning about peacefulness which helps us with our mindfulness and meditating practice which is something that has been really useful for our little family too. I am someone that likes to jump about and make things happen and inspire and motivate others to work on their mindset, health and body. And to be fair because my energy levels are high owing to our lifestyle, the one thing I am not good at is slowing down. So, Roxy has been amazing at helping to slow me down. Just by sitting down and watching her this has helped me slow down sometimes too. And the last thing that you can definitely learn from a tortoise’s habits is of course persistence. One step at a time that is for sure, slowly but surely, but they are certainly persistent and determined to get to where they want to be. Roxy will walk the whole length of our lounge to get her romaine lettuce leaf. You go Roxy!



Lesson to learn

We can learn something from everything that is living around us. So, my question to you today is what are the lessons that you have learnt from some of your animals/ pets or even other humans around you? And are they helping you with practices that you want to take on in life?  As a Body, Health and Mindset Coach and Personal Trainer I am always looking at new ways to improve all my habits and my clients habits too. I am like a Tigger -Winnie the Pooh character- but from all my excitement and drive I also know that I need to slow down sometimes too. So being around Roxy is really relaxing and helps me with my mindfulness. So, my biggest advice from this is make sure that you are around more of the people and animals that help you take on more of the habits that you want to cultivate. If you want to improve your body, health and confidence then hang around me. But if you need more help with mindfulness and relaxation – be around Roxy!

Have a fab day

Love and hugs


Ps remember to sign up for my FREE facebook group yet? We would love to see you in there.



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