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My top tips for staying healthy and best practices.. I know the message is long but please read all of this….❤️

Good morning my lovely ones..

I have been holding off on messages on the Coronavirus but it’s something we are sadly all having to live through on a daily basis..

People are of course anxious and nervous at this point of time. The media is constantly talking about the virus and of course lock down is inevitable at some point.

However here are my top tips to keep you try and keep you safe and healthy at this time, and it’s not all about hand washing and singing happy birthday twice!!

1.Stress and anxiety weakens the immune system and with so much of this going on in the media I’m sure the panic has depleted a lot of people’s immune systems…. So please work on filling your mind with as much positivity as possible. This means feeding your mind with personal development and mindfulness to keep you calm and upbeat. Work on goal setting for your future and work on staying as healthy as possible in your mind and body at this stressful time. I recommend reading uplifting self help books ( I have a good list of them if you would like these then pls let me know)

Working on your mind set and positivity is crucial to keeping your immune system strong. Negativity and worry depletes and destroys your immune system. I recommend in times of crisis that we all work on our mindset consistently and daily. Positive mantras and general positivity will help keep your immune system stronger.

Pls know nearly all of my life coaching nowadays is via telephone so coming out of your home is not essential for working with me on goal setting and working on your emotional and

Mental wellbeing.

2.Make sure that you drink plenty of water. And I mean plenty. Drinking at least 2-3 litres of water a day will help your system fight more quickly any bugs and viruses. A high Water diet can help dilute these nasties. Sipping water consistently throughout the day can get rid of the virus from the mouth and into the digestive system. This means the digestive system can fight the virus in the stomach with its High Ph levels. Water also aids the system to help with weight loss too. Double bubble!

3.Make sure you are eating healthily. This means plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and salads. Most of you will know this as i am a huge advocate of juicing for health and weight loss. Our system need a plethora of fruits and vegetables daily to ensure we have the right vitamins and minerals and live enzymes to fight infections and viruses. Please ensure you have a huge variety of fresh fruit and vegetables daily in your diet. Best to juice them if you can as your body’s cells can use the nutrients from the juices more easily and quickly to fight infections etc. Juicing cuts out the digestive system and sometimes we need this Liquid gold to help fight infections and viruses quickly. I throughly recommend juicing and getting between 5-10 fruits and vegetables into your system daily. Also cut back hugely on processed and High sugar foods as these deplete your system. We want live and unrefined foods and natural foods. A good daily dose of Vitamin C and vitamin D is also essential and it might be useful to take a good supplement of these.

4.Exercise daily to keep your immune system and endorphins ( feel good chemicals) high. Taking some form of exercise daily will help you to stay energised and upbeat. It will help you to feel better in yourself and all motion will cause emotions to improve! Exercise is one of the cheapest and fun ways to get a quick high whilst strengthening your body and mind. At my home gym I’m

Making sure that after each client I am cleaning down with steriliser and wiping equipment and sanitising the cloakroom and hallway regularly and spotlessly to help keep the virus away. My policy is now that All clients must wash their hands immediately when they arrive. I have extra hand gel at the ready! I now also have latex gloves if clients would prefer to use these when touching equipment. I am Adhering to social distancing, cleaning, hygiene and carrying out best practices to keep people safe to enable you to keep doing your workouts as long as possible.

I shall also recommend that we do more outdoor sessions at this time as being outside is so much better for the body and mind.

If we get to the point when we do have a lock down then i shall be offering Pt sessions via FaceTime and whattsap so that you can still get your exercise and health fix!🏃🏋🏻💃🏻🥊

  1. Make sleep a priority. Really aim to get a good quota of sleep every night. Adequate sleep gives your body time to heal and repair and a good amount of sleep is key to ensure that your immune system is topped up. The amount of sleep that you need will differ from person to person but I would aim to get anything over 7 hours.😴
  2. Be kind to your body and mind and of course be kind to others. Look after yourself. Be loving and caring to yourself and of course to all those that are around you. Remember if you have elderly neighbours or relatives that can’t go out at this time – please think of them and what their needs might be too and see if you can help them as well. It’s times like these that we all must look after each other. Please know that I am here for you too❤️

Remember – During times like this there may be a slight adjustment in the focus of your training and Coaching to make sure that we are prioritising health whilst working towards your goals. And while there may be some adjustments to make its largely business as usual as I am here to Help you get results When things in the outer world aren’t perfect.

Thank you for supporting me and reading this and pls know that I’m here to support you at all times.

Love and light

Davinia xxxx

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