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Up your game

We all desire to be vital and fit, and beautiful. We have places to go and things to accomplish that require energized bodies. When we eat to live more than live to eat we unveil our greater physical potential.

Start looking at food as a pleasure to make you live healthily not as a pleasure to live for…

Also Up your game daily with the following….

Drink plenty of water anything between 2-4 litres a day

Drink raw, homemade, fresh vegetable and fruit juice daily – at least half a litre a day.

Have a wheatgrass shot and a ginger shot daily too.

Eat plenty of raw, clean,natural foods and stay away from as much processed food and junk as possible.

Cut down your meat and dairy consumption and definitely cut out refined sugars as much as possible.

Cut down or eliminate alcohol and definitely don’t smoke. 

Over the counter drugs need to be addressed regularly to check this is something that you definitely still need to use.

No to Recreational drugs.

Exercise daily where possible. Be it walking, yoga, Pilates, gentle stretching, dancing with your kids or on your own to music, going to the gym, running, using weights, exercise DVDs or apps, cycling, swimming… anything to make you move and increase your resting heart rate and shape and tone your body..

Have fun daily and laugh and smile daily too. 

Surround yourself more with friends, family, clients, colleagues and people that inspire you and uplift you.

And finally set goals and have mantras that inspire you and make you feel alive and fantastic.

Make it happen, take action today and have fun.

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