Morning juices
So how do you start your day off?
Every morning I start my day with a wonderful raw fresh juice made with multitude of vegetables and fruits for a plethora of vitamins and minerals and enzymes to ensure my body has a magnitude of energy and vitality for my day ahead.
We all need between 5-10 raw vegetables and fruit in our daily diet for optimum wellbeing. So I always make sure that my first powerful Juice of the day has between 7- 10 different vegetables and fruits.
Beneath I am using
2 generous handfuls of spinach
An apple.
This made up just under a litre. So I’ve had half for my breakfast and I will have the other half mid morning as I have a lot of back to back training and coaching sessions today.
Every morning I always make up my juices with my candles burning in the back ground. It makes me feel super happy and relaxed and warm inside as I know I Am setting up my day fabulously… my daily ritual…. what’s your morning ritual?
I recommend everyone aims to increase their vegetables and fruit for greater health and wellbeing..
Have a fab Tuesday
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