The way you start your day will massively affect how you feel throughout the day and how your day will pan out. I always say – set your day up fabulously well and the rest of the day will hopefully follow!
So what do you do to start your day? And is this serving you well to help you feel fab on a daily basis?
Every morning I start my day super early. Yes I am an early person and yes my daughter loves to wake up early too.. but the main reason I wake up early is because I have programmed myself to do this for many, many years. I wake up and then get up super early ( no alarm clock and no turning back over to sleep) so I have time to work on my emotional and physical wellbeing daily.
If my daughter is up early I will sort her out first with breakfast etc and then I will work on myself.
My morning routine consists of making my fabulous vitamin and mineral busting green vegetable and fruit juice. ( I make up at least a litre but sometimes more for throughout the day) I use a plethora of vegetables and fruit and this makes me super happy. Hurrah.
And then I work on my mantras whilst running on the spot and exercising and using, some days, free weights too.. I will do this every morning for approx half an hour to get my body moving and feeling great.
Working on my mantras conditions my mind to focus on what I want out of life and what I want to create in my life. This is super important and I never miss my running on the spot with mantras!
I then fill out my five min journal app – journalising my day and what I want to make happen and what I am grateful for. Hurrah. This Sets your mind up well.
I also always look at my list of goals every morning too so I get super inspired and to keep me on track of what I want to create and make happen in my life.
And last but not least I make sure I try and read a chapter or two of a book most mornings. To be fair this doesn’t always happen in the morning because of my little Holly but I will make sure this happens at some point during my day. Or else I listen to an inspiring podcast instead. I have lots that I love on wellbeing and health etc. And I certainly listen to a podcast daily. These are fantastic to just pop on whilst exercising or whilst driving!
Set your body and mind up daily to serve you well. It really does make a huge impact on your physical and emotional wellbeing.
Have a fab Saturday