Outdoor training is fun
I often find that exercising inside just does not give me that same feel – good factor as being outside. There is nothing better than getting a bit of fresh air whilst running around. And now that the sun, that in itself makes you feel more alive. So, I suggest you get your workout gear on and get out there. So many people love to run or walk outside but what about trying out different training moves which can increase your heart rate and hence improve your fitness and can also be a lot of fun – think of Phoebe running in “Friends!” Take a stop watch with you outside.
Alternatives to jogging and walking
- Skipping forwards – take big strides with your skipping. Skip with a bounce, making sure that you bring your knees up when you skip and use your arms to push you along.
- Heel flicks – jog with heels flicking up to your bum.
- High knees – jogging but bringing your knees up high towards your chest.
- Galloping sideways (great for the outer thighs.) starting on the right foot first you are moving forwards but in a sideways direction. Practice sidestepping and then add a bit more energy with a little gallop. Change direction to do the left foot.
- Jogging with leaps. The best way to describe it is to do a little jog and then take a giant leap with left leg and then the right. Back to jogging and then the leaps.
- Backward jogging – only do this if you feel confident enough. This is only worth pursuing if you are a sportsperson and need to run backwards in a game of netball, football etc. Make sure that you turn your head over your shoulder so that you can see exactly where you are going.
Working outside – you can incorporate these alternatives in any way that you want outside, within your regular walking/jogging programme. But try out the following workout when you have thirty minutes spare – don’t forget to take your stop watch.
30 minutes of fun outside
- Jogging for 5 minutes with arm circles, bicep curls, lateral raises etc as a warm up
- Stretch out to include all major stretches – hamstrings/quadriceps/calf stretches/inner thighs
- Jog for two minutes
- Skip for three minutes
- Fast walk for five minutes
- Heel flicks for 3 minutes and 2 minutes of high knees
- Fast walk for two minutes
- Gallop sideways on left leg for two minutes
- Gallop sideways on right leg for two minutes
- Jogging with leaps for 2 minutes
- Walk for five minutes to cool down
- Stretch out, at the end
Want an even more fun and challenging work-out? Then call me on 07876 198671
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