Benefits of having personal
training and coaching with me…
- You will receive support and advice from me with your food regime and nutrition to help you become healthier, lose weight and feel and look great.
- You will learn to exercise effectively that will help support you with your health too.
- You will reduce sugar intake and therefore reduce body fat, inflammation and illness.
- You will improve your core, and tone up.
- You will understand the power of walking to lose weight and feel good.
- You will improve you posture.
- You will see and feel your stomach shrinking.
- You will see and feel your hips, legs, arms and bottom shrinking.
- You will have less dimply skin with your new regime.
- You will fit into your jeans again.
- You will find clothes easier to buy because things are fitting you better.
- You will learn to treat your body with love and respect.
- You will become fitter in body and mindset.
- You will achieve your goals with personal coaching and personal training from me.
- You will receive constant support and inspiration for your health, body and mindset daily, so you feel nurtured and inspired to reach your goals.
- You will learn new knowledge and you will be inspired to keep you on track with your goals.
- You will learn to say yes to the things that matter.
- You will learn to say no to the foods, people and unhealthy lifestyle that don’t support you in looking and feeling good.
- You will understand how to switch off your cravings and/or to be able to mindfully eat so that you can have a little of what you fancy sometimes.
- You will increase your confidence.
- You will feel happier in your own body and increase your self-esteem.
- You will feel more balanced.
- You will learn to put yourself first.
- You will learn to believe in yourself.
- You will be offered the right products and services to help you feel and look good, whilst improving your health and mindset.
- You will learn to understand your body and mindset and will learn to have more control over your habits and behaviours.
- You will improve your strength in your body and mind.
- You will learn to love your body and yourself.
- You will be a fabulous role model for your family, friends and colleagues.
- You will raise your standards in all areas of your life.
- You will become your best in body, health and mindset.
- You will learn how to relax.
- You will learn how to be in control of your emotions.
- You will have better energy with your new mindset and exercise regime.
- You will feel lighter and brighter with your new healthy lifestyle.
- You will start to feel like the super star that you are.
I will help you to achieve the body, mind and health that you deserve.
I have expert knowledge and teaching with my work. I have been in the industry for over 26 years in fitness (blimey a long time) and 20 years in health and wellbeing coaching and NLP change work. I have vast experience working with women changing their lives and changing their values so they achieve the goals they want. I have vast experience and understanding of the female body and mind and passionate about helping my clients live their best lives whilst being their best in body, health and mindset.
My continual development on myself will infiltrate you and inspire you. You will receive inspiration and motivation from any new research and any new learning I work on. I am constantly investing in seminar, courses and continual learning to update techniques and knowledge to share with you to ensure you get what you want from your sessions. I also have my own Coach and mentor to keep me being my best in other areas of my life. I absolutely practice what i preach. In fact anyone who has been or is super successful has had a coach, mentor and/or teacher to push them beyond what is their normal comfort zone. It’s important that we all work in our stretch zone at times but also focus on rest sometimes too. Life is a balancing act and I will help you with achieving this.
I have real compassion and dedication to all my clients. I will support you with your goals and give you the support that you need to get you to where you want to be. Coaching and personal training together will strengthen your body and mind. This will make your body and mind fit and healthy so that you can be your best.
An undisciplined mind means an undisciplined body. By working with me you will value yourself more and automatically the world and people around you will value you.