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Welcome to my site

My name is Davinia and I’d like to welcome you to my website! I’m a Body, Health & Mindset Coach, Personal Trainer for Women and a Bazi Astrologist too. I’m thrilled that you’re interested in transforming how you feel and look and want to live your best life. I’m passionate about helping women go from out of shape to lean and from demotivated and hiding themselves to being ‘go getting’ and happy to be seen!  I love helping my clients to understand and know their self worth and help them transform their bodies, health, wellbeing and mindset so that they can feel happy, confident, abundant, healthy and love their bodies and lives. I have been working in the world of health and wellbeing and Coaching for over 25 years and I absolutely love seeing my clients flourish. Are you ready to transform your body, health and mindset now and live a life that you dream of?

Having wonderful health and wellbeing is more important than anything else in the world. Having a great career, fast cars, money and a wonderful house are all nice to have, but if you’re out of shape, unhealthy, unfit and emotionally struggling it can be difficult to enjoy all these things. Being physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally fit and healthy is vital to living a fulfilling and happy life.

Now is the time to have fabulous health and fitness,  exceptional confidence, high self esteem, determination, motivation and inspiration to live the life that you want. Working with me, you will  achieve all the above along with the correct mindset so that you can live life to the full and you’re happier and more fulfilled.

With my Feel Great Lose Weight programs, I will help you to lose weight, tone up, get fit, fit in to clothes that you so want to wear and feel absolutely amazing, whilst having fun working out along the way. I will help you to do this with a blend of personal training & coaching in my gym in Chorleywood or online, as well as providing a plan for you to follow at home.

Healthy eating is also paramount to your mental and physical well-being. I’ll help you to improve your nutrition with healthy eating coaching and juicing to enable you to become leaner and healthier and happier.

With my Feel Great Lose Weight program you’ll stop using crutches such as food, drink or cigarettes to make you feel better and you’ll learn how to make yourself feel great from within, achieving a sense of wellbeing and balance, working on being your best in your Mindset, Body and Health.

With my very popular Transformational Mindset Coaching programs you will transform your negative self talk and self sabotaging beliefs around so that you believe in yourself and feel empowered to take the next steps to create and smash those goals around your health, relationships, wealth and career. You will create compelling plans to achieve these goals whilst I support you. These programs are particularly helpful if you have currently got a big goal and can’t seem to move further forwards with it or are embarking on a big life transition and need some support, direction and accountability.

And finally the newest service to my website and coaching tool kit are my Bazi Chinese Astrology consultations. These are truly incredible if you are need a fresh perspective and understanding of you and what is happening in your life. Bazi charts has been used for thousands of years as a way to discover a unique picture of yourself and your life. This amazing modality can help you understand more about your health, the symptoms you have, your wellbeing, your character traits, relationships, life choices, why things sometimes happen the way they do and what actions you can take to succeed and thrive. If you are stuck with persistent health worries, ready to change direction, want to resolve harmful patterns in your life, empower yourself to make wise choices and understand your life and life patterns a Bazi consultation will offer invaluable insights enabling you to move forwards. A Bazi consultation goes hand in hand with my other programs because I can then offer coaching and support to help you with your next steps.

My Weight Loss programs, Transformational Mindset Coaching and Bazi astrology consultations are all designed to inspire, empower and motivate you, to help you become your best self, so that you love yourself and ultimately live your best life.


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Imagine & You Can – an inspiring and step-by-step guide to transform your life – is out now. Click to learn more

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On this site you can find out more information on:

Personal training to get the body that you deserve. Lose weight, tone up, get fit, have fun and have outstanding health. Click here to learn more…

Weight management coaching addresses overeating and destructive eating habits. Be in control of your eating so that you can lose weight easily. Click here to learn more…


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